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The ILANA minaudiere clutch is the finishing touch to your bridal look. The Ilana Pearl Clutch is a beautiful bridal clutch with just enough detail to make the accents of your wedding gown shine. Against a smooth and soft satin background layer are the finest imitation pearls that are heavy in concentration with larger pearls in the center, becoming smaller and more spaced out the farther from the center they extend. This creates a richly textured effect that not only adds to its visual appeal but gives you something to more easily grip onto. Pearls are placed on both sides of the purse. The antique brass metal frame is shown around the edges and the closure on the top adds an extra layer of style to the already sophisticated clutch. Overall, the Ilana Pearl Clutch measures a total size of 7.75 inches in width by 4.5 inches in height, an ideal shape and size for storing your belongings and holding onto with ease without it feeling bulky in your hands.